Monday, July 18, 2005


Official Guesses!

The Washington Post reports that President Bush may announce his nominee for the bench this it's time for some official guessing! The problem is...which President Bush will show up? Knowing the answer to that question allows you answer the question at hand: who is the new Justice?

Which will it be? Christ, I dunno. Since O'Connor resignation, I've said in numerous forums that the President will seek to build political capital with this nomination, not spend it. That fits with his political history: he only puts his wealth where long term, guaranteed victories exist, and despite the lifetime appointment, a court nomination is not one of those. So, I think the President will go with a safe choice: a strong conservative, but one who will likely be too popular to look beyond. Someone with political experience...someone with wise judicial opinions, but no paper trail on really controversial subjects...and someone who will cause little controversy. In other words, while I'm loathe to say this...politically, he needs a slightly more conservative Sandra Day O'Connor.

Ladies and Gentleman, my official guess: Maura Corrigan of Michigan.

Upon further review, Clement is much more likely. She has almost no paper trail in social cases, but a strong conservative record on economic and property rights.

I went with Corrigan for a couple of reasons:
1) Increasing pressure from the Senate to go with someone not from the federal bench.
2) A desire to go for a wolf in sheep's clothing; Corrigan fit that bill to a tee.

We'll see: el Presidente will make his announcement tonight.
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