Thursday, June 30, 2005


Rich Liberal Back-patting

So, Hillary had a fundraiser in Virginia last night, causing the Post to get its knickers in a twist: is she invading Mark Warner's territory?

For starters...Gov. Warner may be from Alexandria, but the sooner he realizes that (politically) he's from Richmond, the better. Alexandria might as well be part of the District; it votes Democratic, gets overwhelmed by the terrotories that surround it, and is generally represented by assholes. So let's not put too much weight into the hamlet that still thinks it's more important than Washington.

Second...what's the big story here? "Virginia Democrats, desperate for media attention in a GOP-led state, attend a well-covered fundraiser for a prominent Democrat, who they will never support in a general Presidential election unless they are remarkably stupid." Let's all thank the Post for their ball busting coverage.

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